Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Stabs of Joy

This weekend we went home for my family's annual Christmas get together.  While we were there, we visited my brother's church, Simpsonville First Baptist.  We often visit this church when we are home visiting family.  This is a great church that is working mightily for the kingdom of Christ.  Every time we attend we walk away feeling challenged and charged!  This past Sunday the service consisted of church members standing up and telling their "Stab of Joy" for the 2010 year.  Each speaker was given approx. 3-5 mins to tell about a blessing they received or a new path that has been revealed in their Christian walk this year.  These stories from complete strangers touched my soul and have inspired me to begin a new Christmas tradition in our family.  This is my "Stab of Joy".........

Yesterday morning I was on the phone with my best friend arranging a babysitting swap in order to complete my last minute Christmas shopping.  As we were going over our schedules for the next few days we began discussing her children's upcoming baptism.  SG (with her selective superior hearing) overheard my comments concerning this joyous event and began to pepper me with questions as soon as I hung up the phone.  I calmly answered her questions about who, what, when, and why despite feeling the urge to apply a little pressure in hopes that she might respond with a desire to be saved as well (not the best approach to use with her).  I then proceeded to finish cleaning the kitchen and retire to my room to get ready for the day.
As I was taking a shower (sorry if that is TMI) SG comes into the bathroom and tells me that T asked Jesus into his heart.  I was stunned and could not get out of the shower fast enough (again sorry about TMI).

SG was given a book called What God Has Always Wanted by Charles F. Boyd, by some dear sweet friends of ours several years ago.  We have been reading this book to her and T periodically from the time they were toddlers.  It clearly outlines the simple gospel message for children from Genesis through Revelation and has a prayer of salvation in the back.  After my conversation on the phone, SG was telling T about their friends' baptism and he said he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart.  SG remembered the prayer in the back of the book, found the book, and read the prayer to T while he repeated it.  Then they came and told me.  I quickly hopped out of the shower, dressed, and gathered them on my bed so that I could ask them some basic question about what it means to believe in Jesus and to be saved and then prayed the prayer of salvation with them. 

They then had questions about the age of accountability and how to live like a Christian.  I could not believe the spiritual depth they had for ones so young in age and faith!!!  Fortunately God had prepared me that morning during my quiet time to answer exactly those questions.  I read the third chapter of Colossians and just happened to outline how to put on the clothes of Christ.  WOW!  Again my breathe was taken away by God and His tender mercies.  Not only did He answer the prayer I have been praying from the moment I conceived, but He prepared me in advance to begin my children on their spiritual walk.

God will always equip us with everything we need, He awaits anxiously to bless us beyond our wildest dreams, and He is ALWAYS right on time!!!  Thank you God for loving me, for loving my children, and for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to make things right between us so that we would not have to be separated from You and Your love forever.

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Just a Game

I know I am about to make a lot of people mad but I really need to vent!  To all fanatical college football fans.......GET OVER IT!  IT IS JUST A GAME!

I was born into a family that bleeds orange.  I grew up in Tiger (Clemson) country in a family where just about everybody graduated from that university.  I remember many a fall football game, Tigerama, and knew that to find my way to these events all I had to do was follow the tiger paws.  My favorite song growing up was "The eye of the Tiger" followed by the "Tiger Rag". But then I was branded a traitor......I gained my college degree from the rivaling university (yes it was USC).  And then to add insult to injury I had the audacity to marry a graduate from said university.

Since my defection I have witnessed some very sad and ridiculous behavior from all sides of this rivalry.  Each Thanksgiving I endure the family feud.  I watch as my beloved family members' physical and emotional health either bolster or deteriorate based on the outcome of a GAME.  I have witnessed loved ones cut off contact with each other due to all the "smack" being dished out by the team that thinks they are going to win.  It may take days even weeks before contact is reestablished.  It is all very sad to watch.

I want all to listen very carefully.......you seriously need to rethink your priorities if your "love of the game" is harming your relationships with your friends and family.  Now I know what you are thinking...."I'm not hurting anyone.  It is all in good fun.  Everyone knows that."  Let me make this clear to you, "NO THEY DO NOT!!!!!"  If your behavior is obnoxious (if you have mood swings based on the outcome of the game then your behavior is obnoxious) you are offending your loved ones!!!!!  If you have to bash the WINNING team in order to make yourself feel better about the losing team, then you are offending your loved ones.  GET OVER IT!!!!  IT IS JUST A GAME!!!

I would love to see these football fanatics become JESUS fanatics.  I would like to see people promote and defend JESUS they way they promote and defend their beloved football team.  I would like for people to show up in church with the same enthusiasm and participation that they have for tailgating and a football game.  I would like to see people put as much faith in JESUS as they do in those 18 to 22 year old boys who are playing a GAME.   JUST IMAGINE IF THAT WERE TO HAPPEN!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I have been challenged to list my favorite authors.  This is a major undertaking because there are so many to choose from, but here it is and in no particular order!

1. Joel C. Rosenberg-  The author of the Last Jihad series.  These books are based on end times prophecy from the book of Ezekiel.  Rosenberg is a Messianic Jew whose books are prophetic.  His first book in this series, Last Jihad, was completed approximately 9 mos. prior to 9/11 and tells the story of Islamic Jihadists' assassination attempt on the President of the United States by flying an airplane into a major American city.  As you read further in the series you will begin to see other things that have come to pass, written well before they actually happened.  The best thing about these books, though, is that no matter how eerie or frightening the beginning or middle are, the end is GLORIOUS!!!!

2. Tedd Dekker-  Very weird but his books are awesome!  Heavens Wager, When Heaven Weeps, Thunder of Heaven, and The Martyr's Song should be read together but can stand individually.  It is a riveting insight into the real problems that plague our society and how these are played out in the unseen world.

3. Nicholas Sparks-  Need I say more?

4. Charles Martin-  New writer who is not under a christian label but his books have Christianity flowing throughout them. Chasing Fireflies, Wrapped in Rain, Maggie, When Crickets Cry, and The Dead Don't Dance all rival Nicholas Sparks' novels.  I get so involved in these books that my mood can change according to the events in the stories.

5. Francine Rivers-  Everything she writes is so detail oriented that I feel like I have been transported to that time and place.  I  highly recommend  Marta's Legacy series (plan to read book 2 soon and may become my favorite), Lineage of Grace series, Mark of the Lion Series (probably my favorite so far), Atonement Child, The Scarlett Thread, and Redeeming Love(didn't really love this one, but I think I am the only one on the earth who doesn't love it).  If you love historical christian fiction, Francine Rivers has mastered it!

6. Karen Kingsbury-  This is not heavy reading but it is beautifully written Christian Fiction!   I love to lose myself in the lives of her characters.  A friend told me once that she almost stood up to add one of the characters to her Sunday School class' prayer list!  The Baxter's (Redemption, First Born, and Sunrise Series) seem like part of my family.  Even though I get tired of reading about the same people I would be the first in line to buy a new Baxter Book.  I also enjoyed  her 9/11 series, Lost Love series, and Cody Gunner series, not to mention a handful of her stand alone titles.  If you are looking for an easy, relax by the ocean read then Karen is the way to go!

7. Randy Alcorn- Safely Home  is probably one of the most eye opening and thought provoking books I have ever read.  Randy describes the horrendous persecution of Christians and the church in present day China.  He also gives one of the most frightening and real descriptions of hell when describing Mao Tung's life in hell.  This is a must read for everyone!!!

8. Andy Andrews-  Just recently discovered him and WOW!  The Noticer and Island of Saints are fabulous and I can't wait to read more by him!

9. Jennifer Erin Valent- She is also new and very talented!  Fireflies in December  is a story set in the rural south during the 1930's and deals with the fallout a family receives for taking in a young black girl after her family is killed in a fire.  The follow-up to Fireflies in December is Cottonwood Whispers and will not disappoint!

10. Ron Hall and Denver Moore- What Difference Do It Make? should be required reading.  Shows that anything is possible with God.

11. Ayn Rand- Atlas Shrugged is one of the most difficult reads I have ever undertaken.  The author is a Russian philosopher and the founder of Objectivism.  Many Christians feel that this is one of the most dangerous books to read because it seems to be very anti-christian......but it is anti-communism/socialism.  Atlas Shrugged clearly depicts the consequences of a society that embraces socialist ideals.  I have heard the argument that Ayn's main character, John Galt, parallels Christ in many ways.  I have never attempted to research that in the book on my own but I hope to one day be smart enough to do so.

12. Jan Karon- I love to read books that are structured like soap operas.  The characters stay the same and I get to watch their lives unfold and develop.  The Mitford Series is a story of an Episcopal Priest and his beloved town of Mitford.  Jan is a master at character and plot development making her books timeless classics.

13. Patricia Cornwell-  Again I love books in a series and the Kay Scarpetta novels definitely fit the bill.  However, if you are squeamish or easily frightened these books are not for you.

14. John Grisham-  Really, who doesn't love Grisham?

15. The Bible-  written by my Heavenly Father.  This is one book that will never be replaced or fall out of favor.  This book is vital to my happiness and provides me with the plan and purpose for my life.  This is one book that I re-read daily and will continue to do so for the rest of my days.

So this is a list of SOME of my favorite authors.  I love many of the classics that I read in elementary (Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner and Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingles Wilder), middle, high school ( The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte- sorry couldn't help myself), and college but I choose to highlight some of the more recent authors I have had the privilege of reading.  I hope others will pick up some of these wonderful pieces of literature and HAPPY READING!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Different is NOT Wierd

I have spent most of my life trying to be what others want me to be.  I wanted to fit in, to be accepted, to meet everyone's expectations.  Well, I have blown that standard out of the water! 


That's right, I decided to homeschool my oldest child in first grade.  While I have many friends who homeschool, I am amazed at how many people become hostile at this statement.  I can feel the hostility in the air when I take my first grader to the grocery store @ 10am on a "school day", in the looks that I get when she responds to "Where do you go to school", and in the looks of passers by when she is out playing @ noon in the front yard.   I can hear the judgement in the voices of others when I am introduced as the neighbor/friend who homeschools (usually followed by a brief explanation stating that I am "qualified" to homeschool b/c I am a certified teacher).  I can hear it in the questions asked by other children.  Well let me provide some clarification as to why "I HOMESCHOOL".

  I want to do what is best for MY child. 

I do not think that what is best for MY child is best for ALL children!  There is no need to be defensive of the choice you made for YOUR child.  I made my decision based on my experience as a teacher, our family's dynamics, and MY child's personality.  I do not have a problem with public school teachers, I used to be one!
God has called me to do this and has placed many convictions on my heart to reassure me that I am following His will!  Romans 12:2  "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will."

Now let me reassure all those who are concerned for the welfare of my children.

1.  My daughter has a perfectly healthy social life! 
She is involved in many extracurricular activities (tennis, art, piano, choir, AWANA's, Sunday School, etc.) with a variety of children from a variety of backgrounds.  She has friends that she plays with daily who attend public and private schools as well as friends who are homeschooled.

2.  She may go "wild" when she goes to college, but she may not.
I can't speak for everyone, but I "went wild" way before college and based on my experience in college there were very few who didn't "go wild" or stay "wild" in college (and these were my school attending chums).  One of the verses that I pray daily over my children in regards to my parenting goals is Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." 

3.  She is not bored!
We play games, take field trips, do experiements, and explore any topic that tickles her fancy!  She has time to read as much as she wants, to cook, to create, to play!  She learns using all five of her senses and she is afforded the luxury of learning according to her learning style.  I am able to tailor her lessons to best suit her needs, her strengths, and her weaknesses.
And for all of those who wonder what we do all day.....

 We learn, we laugh, we play, we read, we add, we subtract, we draw, we write, and we learn some more......
We DO NOT sit in the house and watch TV all day long (the TV was on more before I started homeschooling).  We DO NOT sleep in until 10am every morning (as nice as that would be, my children go to bed @ 8pm and wake up between 6am & 7am).  However there are times when we will "do school" in our PJ's (hey, there has to some perks). 

I can assure everyone that we are as normal as any other Christian family.  We may do things a little different but it does not make us wierd.  Imagine how boring life would be if everyone did everything exactly the same...    No matter how hard it is to be different I cling to my new life verse for this season of my life.....

Nehemiah 6:3  "I am carrying on a great work and cannot go down."

So this is my response to all those who take issue with our desicion to homeschool....


Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Field of Wildflowers

Since my last post we have acquired a new puppy. Even though she is adorable and we love her tremendously I have to wonder, WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!! As if a 5 year old, 4 year old, and 8 month old were not enough, I just had to have that sweet little stray from the animal rescue. That little puppy is taking a tremendous amount of energy and time.

One of our daily chores for the puppy is an afternoon walk. Most afternoons Sarah Grace, Tyler, Brayden, Mazie Rose (the puppy), and I head out for a quick stroll around the neighborhood. As we are walking we pass by a house whose yard could really use some TLC. Suddenly Sarah Grace stops, gasps, and says, “Mom look at all those beautiful flowers!" I have no idea what she is talking about because all I see is a yard full of those little purple weeds so I replied, “Sweetie those are not flowers, they are weeds." She looks at me as though I have lost my mind and says, “Mom, that yard is not full of weeds it is a field of pretty purple flowers!" As we continue our walk it occurs to me that maybe I need to begin looking at life as a beautiful field of wild flowers instead of a yard full of weeds. Leave it to my 5 year old to give me a change in perspective!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

An Almost Slumber Party

Last Friday night I took my five-year-old daughter to her first slumber party! Well, it was almost a slumber party. One of her classmates, an adorable, quiet as a mouse little girl, sent out precious invitations instructing all who were invited to wear their pj's, bring a pillow, and show up at 5:30pm. My SG was so excited to finally experience a sleepover! I was excited because just below the drop-off time was the pick-up time of 7:30pm. Now I know that most people are thrilled to take their children to somebody else’s house while they get to enjoy a nice quiet evening at home with no morning wake-up call of "I'm hungry! I want pancakes!" I want to be that person! I'm just not there yet. I am not ready to let go and find out that my baby doesn't need me anymore... to know that she is perfectly fine sleeping in a strange house, with strange people, and no longer needs the comfort and security that I have spent the last 5 1/2 years providing. As she raced around the house showing off her golden ticket I took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief.

Over the next two weeks we had a daily count down to the day of the party. On the day of the party we had an hourly count down to the time that we left. It took SG two days to decide which pj's she wanted to wear (she finally decided on her Christmas tree gown- oh brother!), how she wanted her hair fixed (pink bow or red. Pink won), and which pillow case to take her pillow in (Disney Princess Belle/Cinderella). We were finally ready!  We headed out the door to pick up another little friend in her class and then on to the party.

When we arrived I stood on the stoop with two giggling little girls who could barely contain their excitement. As the hostess answered the door they both squealed and ran into the house to find the birthday girl! I stepped in for just a minute and I felt like I was in a sorority house during rush week. There were pink and green streamers, pink and green balloons, pink and green paint spelling out HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the mirrors in the dining room and den, and there were sheets covering the windows and walls decorated in pink and green declaring P-A-R-T-Y! All the furniture had been moved to the walls in the den to make room for 12 out of control little girls and all of a sudden I felt it too!

Just walking into this transformed home ignited my inner little girl. My eyes were flooded with memories of spend-the-night parties from days long ago. I remember staying up late into the night talking and giggling about who I was going to marry, how many children we would have, and where we would live! I remember the middle of the night junk food binges of popcorn, cold pizza, nachos, and soda! I remember playing Twister, Clue, Sorry, and Life. We would listen to our favorite music on tapes and cd's singing and dancing as we held hair brushes for microphones and used the mirrors as our audience. We painted each other’s nails and practiced our make-up application techniques. We flipped through Teen magazine drooling over the likes of Tom Cruise, Kirk Cameron, and Patrick Swayze! We told our secrets, our dreams, and our hopes for the future. All was well and we were happy!

As the cloud cleared and I focused on the present, I longed for my daughter to know the joy of a slumber party! I no longer saw it as her not needing my security and comfort, not being my baby girl, but as her being ready to step out and be a little girl because I have provided those things! I long for her to develop friendships that will last a lifetime and provide her with precious memories of slumber parties from long ago! My hopes and dreams from slumber parties passed are being fulfilled in the life of my beautiful daughter! I AM ready for that!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


My parents came to visit today all the way from San Antonio by way of Greenville, SC and then Newberry, SC. They came to SC to complete some maintenance on their condo and took some time off to visit with family while they were so close by. Last night they spent the night with Aunt Grace. Grace is well into her seventies, uses a walker, has to ride the wheelchair/cart in the grocery store, and still has the spunk of a twenty year old!

After arriving at her house Aunt Grace began to recount her trip to the grocery store this past week. She said that as she was finishing up her shopping she was approached by a young man in his thirties. He gave her a big hug and began gushing about how much he had missed her and how wonderful she looked. He then proceeded to ask her to give him a ride to his mother's house because his car was broken down. She agreed because she assumed she must know him based upon their conversation up to this point. He helps her in the checkout line, walks her to her car, and even loads her groceries for her! They get in and he begins to direct her all over her little town to his "mother's house". At this point Aunt Grace becomes very suspicious and presses him for a specific destination. He then asks her to pull over and directs her attention to the house across the street. As she looks at the house he takes something out of her purse and gets out of the car. She turns back and hollers at him in her very authoritative tone, "GET BACK HERE! YOU TOOK SOMETHING OUT OF MY PUSRE! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!" As she grabs for his arm he reaches out and hits her in the face. This doesn't even faze Aunt Grace! Again she hollers, “I SAID, GET BACK HERE AND GIVE ME WHAT YOU JUST TOOK OUT OF MY PURSE! NOW!" Well, believe it or not he throws her wallet into the car.  Aunt Grace's response to that was, “NO SIR! YOU PICK THAT WALLET UP AND HAND IT TO ME!" And guess what! He picked up that wallet and handed it to her! Then she says, “Now Come Here and Let Me Search You Because I Know You Took Something of Mine!" And.... he walked over and let her search him! Can't you just picture it now! Here is this young man, of about thirty, standing on the sidewalk being frisked by a seventy something year old woman who is hanging onto a walker! Well as she finishes frisking him she says, “I know you have something that belongs to me so I am calling the police." She pulls out her cell phone (yes, she can operate a cell phone better than I can) and dials 911. She couldn't get through and the fellow took off running. So she gets in her car and gives chase as she calls her daughter at work. She lost him in an apartment complex just as the police arrived.

It turns out that this man had taken her bank card and thrown it under a bush at the site of the initial altercation with the intention of coming back for it later. The police took down a report and said they would contact her with any progress they had made in her case. The next day an investigator knocked on her door and asked her to look at a few dozen photos to try to identify the man who had stolen from her. She examines the first photo, then the second photo, and finally the third photo. She stops there telling the investigator that she is absolutely positive it was the man who stole from her. After reassuring them that it was him, the investigator said that he was hoping she would identify that particular man.  He was wanted in the next county over for deceiving, stealing from, and beating an elderly man nearly to death using the same ruse that he used to steal and attack her.

All I have to say is, “YOU GO AUNT GRACE!"

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lessons from a Five Year Old

Sunday is our family day of rest. After arriving home from church we eat lunch and then snuggle up as a family for a movie and usually a nap. This past Sunday was no different, except after our movie/nap I stepped outside to speak to our neighbors and was met with a nice warm breeze! I quickly spoke with the neighbors and then ran inside to drag my sleepy heads outside for some much needed fresh air! A collective decision was made to go for a short walk before dinner. So off we go. SG and TJ decided to ride their bikes, BJ was strapped into the stroller, and I went the traditional route and walked.

Our neighborhood is full of steep, make you wish for a chair lift hills which are perfect for hurtling down on a bike. SG and TJ had just completed one hill and were patiently waiting for me to catch up so they could tackle the next hill. I always give them the same instructions: Stay on the side of the road, use your pedal breaks to slow yourself down, wait for me at the bottom, and be careful not to run over each other. So off they go screaming and giggling their way to the bottom. This time however SG failed to heed my warning. She neglected to slow down and was on a dangerous crash course with her brother. As she quickly approached him she swerved to avoid plowing into him, lost control, and fell hard, face first onto the pavement. I of course ran down the hill pushing an umbrella stroller (not the most graceful descent) as she lay face first on the pavement screaming. Luckily it was just a few scrapes and a bruised chin. After dusting her off and kissing all her boo boos better we headed home.

As we approached our house SG began to giggle. I asked her what was so funny and she explained that she was laughing because of how loud she was screaming when she fell. I told her that I thought she was laughing because she saw me running down that hill. She gave me a puzzled look saying that she did not see me running because "I was too busy looking at the road."

After a chuckle at her dry wit it occurred to me that I often do the same thing! I fail to heed the warning of danger given to me by my heavenly Father. I hurtle myself head first down the slippery slope of sin and inevitably lose control and crash. I lay in the pit I have fallen into feeling sorry for myself and I am "too busy looking at the road" to see that Jesus is running down that hill to save me! He scoops me up and loves the hurt away offering forgiveness for my failures.

Thank you Lord for ALWAYS running to save me even when I am too busy wallowing in self pity to see you coming for me! Thank you for loving me enough to pick me up, dust me off, and give me another chance to live my life for your glory! Amen!!!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Who Am I?

Tonight is my favorite night of the month! BOOK CLUB!!!! I am released from all my "mommy" duties and let out into the delightful world of adult interaction. Don't get me wrong, I love being a stay-at-home mom. However, I crave conversations that do not involve the repetitive word "why", foot stomping, and persistent begging.

My hardworking husband comes home from his job just in time for a high five tag to take over child care duties. Amazingly enough he does this with very little complaint even though it involves bathing and tucking in three very tired and cranky kids (the youngest of which is very mommy rotten and screams the entire time until he falls asleep). I almost feel sorry for him. Then I remember the 1 am wake-up call I received from a sick baby, the 2:30 am nightmare that had to be comforted and snugly tucked back into bed, and finally the 4:45 am alarm clock that lets my husband know that Monday has arrived.

I give everyone a quick kiss and a hug and slip out the front door. When I get into the car I turn the radio to anything other than Veggie Tales or Vacation Bible School songs, turn up the volume, take a deep breath, and......... try to remember who I am.

Am I the mom of SGJ, TJ, and BJ? Am I the wife of EJ? Am I the family nurse, a housekeeper, a teacher, a cook, a counselor, a friend, a lover? I close my eyes and quietly search the depths of my heart and soul for the answer to who I am. My heart fills with gratitude and I smile because I know that by the grace of God....... I AM ALL THESE THINGS!