Thursday, January 28, 2010


My parents came to visit today all the way from San Antonio by way of Greenville, SC and then Newberry, SC. They came to SC to complete some maintenance on their condo and took some time off to visit with family while they were so close by. Last night they spent the night with Aunt Grace. Grace is well into her seventies, uses a walker, has to ride the wheelchair/cart in the grocery store, and still has the spunk of a twenty year old!

After arriving at her house Aunt Grace began to recount her trip to the grocery store this past week. She said that as she was finishing up her shopping she was approached by a young man in his thirties. He gave her a big hug and began gushing about how much he had missed her and how wonderful she looked. He then proceeded to ask her to give him a ride to his mother's house because his car was broken down. She agreed because she assumed she must know him based upon their conversation up to this point. He helps her in the checkout line, walks her to her car, and even loads her groceries for her! They get in and he begins to direct her all over her little town to his "mother's house". At this point Aunt Grace becomes very suspicious and presses him for a specific destination. He then asks her to pull over and directs her attention to the house across the street. As she looks at the house he takes something out of her purse and gets out of the car. She turns back and hollers at him in her very authoritative tone, "GET BACK HERE! YOU TOOK SOMETHING OUT OF MY PUSRE! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!" As she grabs for his arm he reaches out and hits her in the face. This doesn't even faze Aunt Grace! Again she hollers, “I SAID, GET BACK HERE AND GIVE ME WHAT YOU JUST TOOK OUT OF MY PURSE! NOW!" Well, believe it or not he throws her wallet into the car.  Aunt Grace's response to that was, “NO SIR! YOU PICK THAT WALLET UP AND HAND IT TO ME!" And guess what! He picked up that wallet and handed it to her! Then she says, “Now Come Here and Let Me Search You Because I Know You Took Something of Mine!" And.... he walked over and let her search him! Can't you just picture it now! Here is this young man, of about thirty, standing on the sidewalk being frisked by a seventy something year old woman who is hanging onto a walker! Well as she finishes frisking him she says, “I know you have something that belongs to me so I am calling the police." She pulls out her cell phone (yes, she can operate a cell phone better than I can) and dials 911. She couldn't get through and the fellow took off running. So she gets in her car and gives chase as she calls her daughter at work. She lost him in an apartment complex just as the police arrived.

It turns out that this man had taken her bank card and thrown it under a bush at the site of the initial altercation with the intention of coming back for it later. The police took down a report and said they would contact her with any progress they had made in her case. The next day an investigator knocked on her door and asked her to look at a few dozen photos to try to identify the man who had stolen from her. She examines the first photo, then the second photo, and finally the third photo. She stops there telling the investigator that she is absolutely positive it was the man who stole from her. After reassuring them that it was him, the investigator said that he was hoping she would identify that particular man.  He was wanted in the next county over for deceiving, stealing from, and beating an elderly man nearly to death using the same ruse that he used to steal and attack her.

All I have to say is, “YOU GO AUNT GRACE!"

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lessons from a Five Year Old

Sunday is our family day of rest. After arriving home from church we eat lunch and then snuggle up as a family for a movie and usually a nap. This past Sunday was no different, except after our movie/nap I stepped outside to speak to our neighbors and was met with a nice warm breeze! I quickly spoke with the neighbors and then ran inside to drag my sleepy heads outside for some much needed fresh air! A collective decision was made to go for a short walk before dinner. So off we go. SG and TJ decided to ride their bikes, BJ was strapped into the stroller, and I went the traditional route and walked.

Our neighborhood is full of steep, make you wish for a chair lift hills which are perfect for hurtling down on a bike. SG and TJ had just completed one hill and were patiently waiting for me to catch up so they could tackle the next hill. I always give them the same instructions: Stay on the side of the road, use your pedal breaks to slow yourself down, wait for me at the bottom, and be careful not to run over each other. So off they go screaming and giggling their way to the bottom. This time however SG failed to heed my warning. She neglected to slow down and was on a dangerous crash course with her brother. As she quickly approached him she swerved to avoid plowing into him, lost control, and fell hard, face first onto the pavement. I of course ran down the hill pushing an umbrella stroller (not the most graceful descent) as she lay face first on the pavement screaming. Luckily it was just a few scrapes and a bruised chin. After dusting her off and kissing all her boo boos better we headed home.

As we approached our house SG began to giggle. I asked her what was so funny and she explained that she was laughing because of how loud she was screaming when she fell. I told her that I thought she was laughing because she saw me running down that hill. She gave me a puzzled look saying that she did not see me running because "I was too busy looking at the road."

After a chuckle at her dry wit it occurred to me that I often do the same thing! I fail to heed the warning of danger given to me by my heavenly Father. I hurtle myself head first down the slippery slope of sin and inevitably lose control and crash. I lay in the pit I have fallen into feeling sorry for myself and I am "too busy looking at the road" to see that Jesus is running down that hill to save me! He scoops me up and loves the hurt away offering forgiveness for my failures.

Thank you Lord for ALWAYS running to save me even when I am too busy wallowing in self pity to see you coming for me! Thank you for loving me enough to pick me up, dust me off, and give me another chance to live my life for your glory! Amen!!!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Who Am I?

Tonight is my favorite night of the month! BOOK CLUB!!!! I am released from all my "mommy" duties and let out into the delightful world of adult interaction. Don't get me wrong, I love being a stay-at-home mom. However, I crave conversations that do not involve the repetitive word "why", foot stomping, and persistent begging.

My hardworking husband comes home from his job just in time for a high five tag to take over child care duties. Amazingly enough he does this with very little complaint even though it involves bathing and tucking in three very tired and cranky kids (the youngest of which is very mommy rotten and screams the entire time until he falls asleep). I almost feel sorry for him. Then I remember the 1 am wake-up call I received from a sick baby, the 2:30 am nightmare that had to be comforted and snugly tucked back into bed, and finally the 4:45 am alarm clock that lets my husband know that Monday has arrived.

I give everyone a quick kiss and a hug and slip out the front door. When I get into the car I turn the radio to anything other than Veggie Tales or Vacation Bible School songs, turn up the volume, take a deep breath, and......... try to remember who I am.

Am I the mom of SGJ, TJ, and BJ? Am I the wife of EJ? Am I the family nurse, a housekeeper, a teacher, a cook, a counselor, a friend, a lover? I close my eyes and quietly search the depths of my heart and soul for the answer to who I am. My heart fills with gratitude and I smile because I know that by the grace of God....... I AM ALL THESE THINGS!